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Blue Ryder
In her current series, Jo Wood-Brown explores the passage of time as a material substance.
As time overrides incident its traces become like a mirage. This ephemeral moment is found through the process of discovery in the act of painting. The paintings reflect an in-between space, one that stays afloat passing through what is recognizable along the way.
Horse and Rider
Triptych. Oil on linen, 30 x 36 in. 2016
Horse and Rider
Triptych. Oil on linen, 30 x 36 in. 2016
Horse and Rider
Triptych. Oil on linen, 30 x 36 in. 2016
Blue Ryder
Oil on linen, 30 x 36 in. 2015
Oil on linen, 30 x 36 in. 2015
Little Blue Ryder
Oil on panel, 9 x 12 in. 2016
Iman I
Oil on canvas, 9 x 12 in. 2015
Oil on linen, 36 x 30 in. 2016
Iman II
Oil on canvas, 9 x 12 in. 2015
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